APD believes the best way to say thank you to its customers is by getting involved in the local community through support and sponsorship of local charities, and the Otago Medical Research Foundation is thrilled that APD has chosen to ‘invest’ in Dunedin’s biomedical research community by way of aligning itself with almost all of its activities.
APD has been involved with the Foundation since 2010 when it first sponsored the annual golf tournament. That partnership continues today and in 2012 APD came on board as a Patron of Club Otago.
Muir Gold, General Manager for APD, says the Club Otago luncheons are a great event, giving people who support the Foundation the chance to socialise. Speakers are always interesting and relevant, and the luncheons are thoroughly enjoyed by APD staff and their clients who attend.
APD has also been a sponsor for all five of the Foundation’s annual black tie fundraising dinners: ‘A Night to Remember’. Muir attended the inaugural dinner in 2013 and heard Professor Greg Cook, a world renowned microbiologist, give a brief talk on his research. He says it was “riveting” to hear Professor Cook speak about his “fantastic” research, and he could have listened to him for hours. He says Greg gave him an understanding of the value of supporting biomedical research and how the Foundation plays an pivotal role providing grants to Dunedin-based researchers.
Last year Muir had an even better insight into the importance of the Foundation and medical research after a brief illness, and time in hospital. He says biomedical research “affects everyone, in one way or another”. We all at some time will have a “link with illness” and it’s “not until you end up in the emergency room that you realise this”.
APD has built a strong and loyal relationship with the Foundation over the years and Muir says it’s a “no brainer” to support such a valuable organisation.
“Armstrong Prestige support just about everything we do” says Steve Davie, the Foundation’s Director of Development and “for that, we are extremely grateful.”